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8 Web Design Projects To Inform and Impress Users

Check the fresh set of functional and catchy web layouts and design ideas created to cover a variety of business objectives, inform and impress visitors.

Let us invite you to review a fresh collection of web design projects crafted by the tubik team. This one showcases a set of functional and catchy web layouts and design ideas created to cover a variety of business objectives. So, glance at a bunch of inspiring user experience projects following different design approaches and reflecting various aesthetics, yet all united with the aim to solve users’ problems, as well as help businesses effectively communicate and sell to those who need their product or service. Enjoy and get inspired!

Business Consultancy Website

This web design project is devoted to business development and presents an example of a modern company website. Check a set of pages and interactions for the website of the firm that specializes in investments, strategic approaches, and consulting on business growth. The home page uses an Inverted Pyramid principle, with a prominent tagline supported by a brief description text block in the hero section, giving a concise introduction to what they offer to clients and more details uncovered when the visitor scrolls down the page. The typography is neat and highly readable, and the stylish background animation makes the experience more dynamic.

business growth consultancy website

business consultancy mobile website tubik

business consultancy website design tubik case study

Mental Health Guide Website

No secret mental health is as important as physical well-being for people to live happy lives. This web design project is devoted to that theme as it is an informative and supportive website for the mental health platform. The website effectively employs diverse visuals for emotional and informative communication, such as photos, illustrations, videos, and motion graphics. The color palette applied to the user interface design is quite limited, so color contrast becomes one of the main tools for adding expressiveness and mood to the website aesthetics.

mental health website design tubik

case study mental health website tubik

Sledding Expeditions Website

This web design project will fill your day with the refreshing vibes of white crispy snow, adventure spirit, and the friendly power of dog and human bonds. Here’s the atmospheric website for the service organizing dog sledding expeditions. The refreshing blue-based palette and skillful usage of photo content instantly create an emotional connection to the nature of the service. In general, the layout is airy and minimalistic, and the information is uncovered gradually in the layout to keep the visitors informed and engaged.

dog sledding website home page tubik

dog sledding service website tubik design

dog sledding website design tubik

case study dog sledding service website design tubik

Smart Investment Service Website

This user experience design project is filled with vibes of finance management, investments, and profits. Take a glance at the elegant and informative website designed for service that helps users invest smartly with the help of an AI assistant. The light background sets an effective canvas for data visualization and text content using the contrast of classic black and energetic yellow. Numbers, charts, and photos are thoughtfully arranged so as to keep the visitors informed but not overwhelmed.

smart investment service website tubik

smart investment service website tubik

investment service website mobile tubik ux design

case study investment service website tubik

Vintage Car Rental Website

Dive into the moving beauty of vintage cars and automotive history with the web design project in which we worked on UI/UX and interaction design for the website of a car rental service specializing in providing vintage vehicles. This project uses sophisticated decorative typography for prominent text elements, which plays well in combination with the stylish vintage cars on offer. Different color backgrounds for various page sections together create a vibrant and eye-pleasing combination.

vintage car rental website tubik

car rental website product page tubik design

car rental serivce website pages tubik

vintage car rental service website design tubik

vintage car rental service website design tubik

Knives Producer Website

This web design concept is filled with the vibes of adventure that the spirit of hiking and camping gives us. Look at the exquisite and functional website design for a producer of knives, cutting tools, and camping gear. The primary focus is put on the product presentation and setting the visual and emotional connection with the environment where the items could be used. The typographic part plays only with size contrast, as all the text elements use lower-case letters only. Combinations of light and dark backgrounds for different web page sections are used as visual dividers, enhancing content scanning and perception.

The concept is inspired by Besttech Knives.


knives producer website tubik design

knives producer website tubik design

knives producer website tubik design

knives producer website tubik design

knives producer website tubik design

knives producer website tubik design

Content Hub Website

The more we create, the more content we have to deal with, and here’s a UI/UX design project devoted to that theme. This elegant and captivating website design was made for the platform, providing a convenient content hub for creators and supporting the efficiency of content arrangement and management with AI power. Visual content looks attractive in combination with trendy shapes, and brightly colored interactive text elements make it skimmable and searchable effectively. Smooth web animation strengthens the visual accents and makes the user experience lively and dynamic.

content hub web design tubik

content hub mobile website design tubik

case study content hub website tubik

Fashion Accessories Ecommerce Website

This bold and daring web design project is filled with the strive to feel and look original. Here we worked on a website for fashion accessories ecommerce. The focus is on the items presentation with photo and video content and wrapped in an eye-catching layout with bold prominent typography and uncommon color combination.

fashion accessories website page design tubik

accessories ecommerce product page tubik

Virtual Reality Studio Website

This deep and exquisite web design concept invites you to the world of immersive experience and virtual reality. This virtual reality studio website uses engaging videos and photos to let the visitors plunge into the atmosphere at once. Bold, prominent taglines and headlines make the layout expressive and energetic, and the dark background makes the visuals even more profound and compelling.

immersive experience studio website tubik

virtual reality studio website tubik design

cyber virtual room tubik mobile web design

virtual reality studio website design case study tubik

New web and mobile design collections and design case studies by our team are coming soon – don’t miss the updates!

And if you’re interested in learning more about the practical side of design, welcome to check the video sharing some insights our digital agency gained from recent collaborations with clients.

Tubik Design Collections and Articles

If you want to check more creative sets and useful articles on UX design for web and mobile, here are some of them.

Web Design: 11 Diverse Functional and Awe-Inspiring Website Designs

Dainty UI Design Projects Inspired by Food and Drinks

10 Elegant and Handy User Interface Design Projects

App Design Ideas: 7 Nifty Mobile Application Design Projects

Product Page Design Inspiration: 17 Ecommerce Web Designs

Information Beautified: Media and Editorial Website Designs

UX Design for Traveling: Impressive Web Design Concepts

23 Impressive Web Design Concepts for Various Business Objectives

UX Design: Types of Interactive Content Amplifying Engagement

Motion in UX Design: 6 Effective Types of Web Animation

5 Pillars of Effective Landing Page Design

The Anatomy of a Web Page: Basic Elements

Welcome to check designs by Tubik on Dribbble and Behance; explore the gallery of 2D and 3D art by Tubik Arts on Dribbble

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