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Case Study Illustration

Digital Art Case Study: Product Characters Illustration Concept

Catch some cheer with a bunch of funnily crazy character illustration art we worked out in the project for the Status application.

In this brief and extra vibrant illustration case study, we invite you to catch some cheer with a bunch of funnily crazy character illustration concepts we worked out in the project for the Status application.

Among the tasks our team did for Status, one was to think over a set of illustrations featuring catchy, non-realistic characters that would set the emotional and aesthetic appeal and could be used in various situations of visual storytelling. This part of the project was accomplished by tubik artist Maryna Solomennykova under project management by Olya Zakharyan.

Scroll down and check out the consistent and artistic set of diverse character art featuring playful and cartoonish monsters reflecting different emotions and plots. The designer tried different compositions and presented both colored and line-art versions to test their looks and flexibility for graphic tasks. The character art of this kind can be efficiently applied to user interfaces, landing pages, and marketing design. Enjoy and have fun!

status character art concept tubikarts

status character art concept tubikarts line art

funny characters concept art tubikarts

funny characters line art concept tubikarts

character art concept illustration tubikarts

character line art concept illustration tubikarts

character art 2D illustrations tubikarts

Character art tubik arts line illustrations

character concept art tubik arts design

character concept line art tubik arts design

New design case studies from our team are coming soon. Stay tuned!

More Design Case Studies

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Devpost. Hero Illustrations for Hackathons Platform

OK Boomer. Trivia Game Design and Branding

12 Bright Projects on Visual Identity and Packaging Design

Fairytale. Picture Book Illustrations and Design

Welcome to check designs by Tubik on Dribbble and Behance; explore the gallery of 2D and 3D art by Tubik Arts on Dribbble

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