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Animation Branding Illustration UI/UX

Tubik Studio 2015. Year in Review

Tubik Studio 2015 Year Review with the brightest shots, projects, blog posts and memories of this productive year with warmest greetings to all Tubik readers!

It’s hard to believe, but 2015 is almost over. For Tubik Studio this year was dynamic, bright and rich in meetings, shots, interesting projects, and non-stop professional growth.

This year, being active on Dribbble, we have published around 140 shots. Here we offer you to look through the set of top positions in the categories of UI/UX design, illustration, and animation. Following the links, you will be able to see all their detailed descriptions and full-size attachments.

Top Twenty UI/UX shots

tubik studio traveller app-UI-1

Traveller App 

tubik studio social network ui design

Social Network 

Tubik Studio UI design app

Analytics App 


Skydeck App 

tubik studio design ui calendar app

Calendar App 

book website design

Book Review 

tubik studio ui app design

Task Management App 

tubik studio ui design-ipad

Octopus Bar iPad App 

tubik studio music app

Music App 

tubik studio app design

Sport App 

tubik studio design ui-ux

Sea Schedule 

sea schedule tubik

Sea Schedule Mobile 

tubik studio app ui

Time Management App 

tubik studio graphic ui travel

Travel Notes App 

blog app UI design tubik

Blog App 

good sign app tubikstudio

Good Sign App Concept 

app design tubikstudio

 ECHO App v2.1 

art gallery app tubikstudio

Art Gallery App 

app interface tubikstudio

Emotional App 

tubik studio event app

Eventflow App 


Top Twenty Animated Shots

tubik studio motion design

Timeline App 

tubik studio button ui design

GIF of the Tap Bar Concept 

tubikstudio tab bar animation

Tab Bar Interactions 

ipad interaction tubik studio

Portrait vs Landscape

tubikstudio motion design

Dynamic Scroll 

tubik studio social network

Social Network

UI_v2_Player Transfer Animation music app

ECHO App v2.1 

tubikstudio pull down animation

Pull Down animation — Space Ship 

hamburger button tubik studio

Hamburger button

ui concept animation

UI Navigation Concept 

calendar app animation tubik

Calendar App Animation

preloader animation tubik-studio


ipad interactions animation

iPad App Interactions

ui concept animation design

UI Animation Concept 

add button animation

Add Button 

landing-page-animation Animation

sports app animation

Sport App 

Welcome to check designs by Tubik on Dribbble and Behance; explore the gallery of 2D and 3D art by Tubik Arts on Dribbble

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