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Tubik Monthly Review. September 2015

September issue of monthly review by Tubik Studio: a bit of chronicle about bright Dribbble shots, events and posts by Tubik Studio in the first autumn month.

Life shows all the time that every finish is a kind of a new start while every start is the best time to stop, look back, and consider what has been done at this stage. And that is what we are going to do every month in our Tubik Monthly Review which will gather important events, shots, and achievements of our studio. So, welcome to the September page of Tubik Life chronicles.

Besides active and devoted work on current projects on branding, logo design, UX/UI, animation, and illustration, the starting month of autumn was really full of bright colors on the Tubik Studio Dribbble page. Let’s look at what September brought there.

recipe app tubik studio

Cooking Website  

event app screens design

Event App

switch animation tubik studio 

Switch Control Animation 

app ui design

PartyCloud App 

sea schedule dribbble

Sea Schedule Mobile

character graphic-design-tubik-studio

Tubik Characters

ui concept animation design

UI Animation Concept

analytics app ui design tubik

Analytics App Concept

ui concept animation

UI Navigation Concept 

tubikstudio animated interface

Force Touch Slide Menu 


Except for Dribbbling, Tubik Studio also took part in the professional event in the IT-sphere called IT-Weekend. It was hosted by SoftServe company in Kyiv and Tubik Studio CEO Sergey Valiukh took part in it as the invited speaker and the judge for the IT-Awards competition. The event was full of interesting speeches and pleasant professional communication.


IT weekend

IT-Weekend conference 


Certainly, as usual, we published loads of photos showing studio daily life and processes on our Instagram page

tubik studio designers brainstorm case study


…and were happy to share our ideas and experience on our Blog here. September started with a bit of education – some immortal and highly practical quotes from gurus of usability Steve Krug and Don Norman. Then we published the new issue of Design FAQ Platform with our ideas about steps and features of designing UX/UI to make the product viral. Also, we got together around one simple but useful grammar exercise discussing must and mustn’t in design sphere based on our own practical experience, and, of course, we shared this discussion with our readers.

So, September was full of everything, bright, active, and energetic for our team inspiring us to do even more and tell you about it next month here.

Welcome to check designs by Tubik on Dribbble and Behance; explore the gallery of 2D and 3D art by Tubik Arts on Dribbble

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