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ITEM 2016. Conference Connecting Experts

The review of ITEM-2016, IT conference in Dnipro, Ukraine. Great speakers from different countries, wide range of topics and bright professional communication.

It’s not a secret that the most powerful tool of presentation, promotion, collaboration and inspiration is personal communication between people. Nowadays we have got numerous chances to communicate, study from experts, train our skills, do business and get inspired staying at the computer desk. However, all those things are not able to fully replace live communication with experienced professionals, discussions on controversial issues, sharing interesting ideas and exchanging energy of those who know everything first hand.

Certainly, in practice it’s not so easy, as the better you are in your job, the more responsibilities, tasks and current projects arise every day. Still, knowing all those important “-tion” factors, mentioned in the first sentence, here in Tubik Studio we try to take some time for important meetings and conferences. This experience is always highly precious as it provides the moments of refreshment and new perspective of the sphere. Earlier we have already shared our memories from Dribbble meetups and Behance Portfolio Reviews. And, surely, we couldn’t have missed one of the biggest IT events of this summer in Ukraine – ITEM 2016.

item conference tubik studio opening

ITEM (IT Evolution Meetings) is a large-scale conference for managers of all kinds in the IT sphere. This year it was held the 4th time in Dnipro, a big city in central-eastern Ukraine which at the moment is one of the leaders in Ukrainian IT-industry and home for many IT companies known worldwide. The conference got together speakers and participants from different countries and companies all united with professional interests in diverse domains of informational technology.

item conference tubik studio



Organized at the very start of summer, 2-3 June, the event seemed to be filled with sun and warmth up to the brim. Participants arrived from various corners of Ukraine, including Kiev, Kharkiv, Lviv, Odessa, Zaporizhzhya , nd others. Also, there were many guests from other countries representing New-York, Palo-Alto, Los Angeles, Oslo, Amsterdam, Tallinn, Riga, Tel Aviv etc. In general, the event was attended by representatives of over 100 companies among whom you could find executives and owners of IT-businesses, project managers, sales and marketing managers, designers and developers.  The conference became a great platform for IT professionals from different points of the globe to meet each other, share ideas and problems, discuss actual issues, listen to recognized speakers and have fun together.

item conference tubik studio managers

Tubik Studio managers team attending ITEM 2016


The program of the conference took two full days of interesting and informative work.  44 inspiring and informative speeches were presented by speakers in 5 conference panels covering actual topics of modern IT industry: IT-Geography, IT-Business, IT-Technology, Sales and Marketing, and Project Management. That was one more chance for us to feel the great power of teamwork: with many participants of management staff, the Tubik Studio team got the chance to catch the maximum of information having representatives in every panel and then exchange thoughts and ideas. The speeches were given by well-known experts. Among headliners, whose presentations were full of actual and practical tips, must-mention ones are Tom Gilb, Jurgen Appelo, Zhenya Rozinskiy, Yegor Bugayenko, Yakov Fain, Kfir Bloch, Nikolai Prosto, Eugene Galkin and others. Certainly, the most precious benefit was the ability to ask questions and get immediate answers and tips as well as the chances of informal chat during breaks.


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Tom Gilb chatting with participants during coffee-break


Tom Gilb giving a speech


Jurgen Appelo giving a speech


item conference tubik studio

Zhenya Rozinskiy chatting with participants during coffee-break


yegor bugayenko item conference tubik studio

Yegor Bugayenko giving a speech


The wide range of topics and directions presented at the conference gave a really wide scope of issues to consider. No doubt, the information and feelings got there are going to transform into bright memories of this summer for every participant and perhaps open a new vision of the industry and market in the IT sphere.

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Tubik Studio managers team attending ITEM 2016


Those who had experience of professional events organization obviously appreciated the level at which the conference was held. We left the Menorah Center, the venue of all the speeches and discussions, with warm feelings of inspiration and gratitude to those who did the stuff making all this big and bright machine called ITEM 2016 function like clockwork. Thanks to speakers for thoughts and tips shared and all the participants for a great time together! Look forward to new meeting at ITEM-2017!


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